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Download podcast from Thunderbird RSSreader
script to automate the download of an attached mp3

Downloads all attachements from messages in RSS/podcast from thunderbird/seamonkey.

Article mis en ligne le 26 mars 2017
par aldoniel
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Désolé, j’ai pas le temps de traduire. Ceci est un script qui sert à "automatiser partiellement" le téléchargement des fichiers joints dans les podcasts de Thunderbird. Partiellement car il faut encore cliquer sur les podcasts avant de lancer le script (qui fonctionne sans lien direct avec Thunderbird.).


  • No installation, just unpack in some directory with user level permission to write.
  • allow outgoing Internet access in you firewall.

  Script Function

Downloads all attachments from messages in RSS/podcast from thunderbird/seamonkey.

  1. select all messages in thunderbird/seamonkey
  2. right click
  3. "save as" and select an output folder PNG
  4. launch script and follow the instructions
    1. the script name is "download_rss_semonkey_thunderbird.au3" if you installed autoit (the scripting engine), else it’s the bundled executable "download_rss_semonkey_thunderbird.exe"
    2. the script will first display a windows called "ArrayDisplay" listing the files to download. Juste close the windows to go on... (It’s a script. It takes more time to write an interface or this help file than to write the core)
    3. Then the script will first ask the directory in which you exported the newsfeed messages. Secondly it will ask where you want to save the podcasted mp3 or whatever attached files.
PNG - 3.1 ko
Nice early ’90s style. Fastest to code, very informative.

There is no Internet connexion failure management. If it happens, see the "log" in the shell or the files timestamps. Delete the last downloaded file and start the script again. It will skip the file previously downloaded.


  • Just answer the script’s questions.
  • All is stored in "download_rss_semonkey_thunderbird.ini" (created at first run).
    • If you want to change the config, just delete this file.
  • The mp3 will be named after the eml file. It’s possible to name them according to the title displayed in Thunderbird. Install autoit + scite and uncomment line 99 to 102 (cf. comment " ;désactivé pour le moment et peut être pour toujours on va prendre le titre eml qui évite les doublons"). However, if two podcasts have the same title, only the first will be downloaded ; so in most cases you should not do this (or then add a download manager with file hashing to prevent file name collision. It’s easy to do that with a few lines).


  • Console.au3 : Credit to Shaggi. See https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/126569-consoleau3-udf/
  • download_rss_semonkey_thunderbird.au : the actual script.
  • ListDir.au3 : a library I wrote a long time ago. Nice to list filenames in a directory in autoit. Fast and "apparently" reliable (not a single bug in years). Has a build in pseudo memory manager so the time used to process the files is not exponential like in another UDF i saw, but polynomial.

 Known limitations

  1. Only downloads the first attachment (because i don’t have example with multiple attachements...)
  2. Only downloads http (or ftp) attachments (not MIME because it’s a different usage)
  3. The script has no direct access to the thunderbird/seamonkey databases.
  4. Only one download at the same time (because in most cases, it’s useless to open multiple downloads from the same server and it requires more programming, and you can start multiple script instances from multiple dirs anyway)
  5. There is no clean user interface, just some popup windows and a shell like batch (with a nice progress bar animation using letters to draw, like in the early ’90s and in some modern linux distro).

  Why did you write this ?

  • I don’t really remember as I wrote this 2 years ago. There must be some good podcast downloader somewhere (but none weighting 40Kb). Indeed, most of the time I use winamp instead of the shell...
  • The only reason I think, is that I have a podcast server which deletes from the feed the news after a given delay, but doesn’t delete the mp3 from their server (don’t ask why). So the only remaining information was in Thunderbird (and it’s not fun nor reliable to manually download hundreds of files).
  • At that time, i was going into the wild for one or two weeks so I guess it was just easier to quickly write this than spending my time to find another no so good bloatware
Téléchargements Fichier à télécharger :
  • download_rss_semonkey_thunderbird-2.zip
  • 464.6 ko / Zip

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